Thursday, February 7, 2013

The Best Two Years Begin

And he's off... Kade was ready for his missionary service to begin. His mother and sisters weren't quite as eager. You would think sending a second missionary off would be easier but it's not. My friend said it best as a joyful torture. You know it's what's best but it's still hard.  I try not to dwell on all the what if's of disease, danger and going without food but of unselfishly sharing the happiness of the Gospel and inviting all to come unto Christ. We have experienced the wonderful blessing of having one missionary serving, I can't imagine the blessings of having two. Kade has been preparing all his life for this day to begin and now it's here. We love you Elder Eppich. Let the best two years begin.

Before the mother's tear fest began...
and the journey begins

Elder Leavitt and Elder Eppich in JFK airport awaiting their 11 hours flight to Ghana. A random stranger sent this to my cell phone! I love it!

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